Jumat, 22 Januari 2010

contraction muscle

The musculo-skeletal framework of the body is a combination of bone, connected by a series of bands associated with joint structures. Muscles crossing these joints provide the force necessary for movement of the body. Contracting skeletal muscle is not independent. Instead, movements are much more common several muscles, which each had a different role.

Agonists or synergists muscles are working together as a team to execute a movement.

Antagonist muscles, which, unlike the agonist in a motion. In most cases, especially for skilled and experienced athletes, relaxes the antagonists, so that the motion is carried with ease.

This shows that the interaction between groups of agonists and antagonists directly affects athletic movements. Jerky motion that resembles, or is rigorously implemented, may be the result of a faulty interaction between the two groups. Only by focusing on relaxation of the antagonist, can improve circulation and the contraction of smooth muscle.

Tractors are the muscles primarily responsible for the preparation of an overall power of movement. During exercise, biceps curl, for example, the driving force of the biceps, triceps, while the action as an antagonist and should be relaxed to facilitate a smooth bending.

The line of the impetus for weight training and bodybuilding is an imaginary line running through the muscle in the longitudinal direction between the two extreme muscle heads. The higher efficiency of mechanical and physiological muscle contraction is obtained if it is carried on the line to draw. An example of the biceps will clarify this point.

Elbow flexion can be drawn by hand in different positions.
With the palm up, pull the line is direct and more efficient. With the palm down, the yield decreases due to contraction of the biceps tendon wraps around the radius bone. In this case, the line is drawn to the indirect effects, a large part of the waste contraction force. If you're looking for maximum strength gains and will be conducted to determine the optimal muscle efficiency, the weight is on the line.

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